For the last 20 years, I have worked as a professional tennis coach both in my native England and in Auckland, New Zealand. As well as a love for sports in general, I also have a love of words and language. This has been with me from a young age when I would immerse myself in the diverse worlds of Enid Blyton, Agatha Christie, and Stephen King. I often find myself proofreading and correcting everyday writing, from signs and posters to emails and text messages. Yes, annoying I know.

Now I am working to balance my two passions alongside each other. But I hear you ask, “what can possibly connect tennis coaching and proofreading?” Well…

  • I am inquisitive! Analysing is something I enjoy, and my keen eye for detail means I will spot those annoying mistakes.
  • I understand the difference between making a correction that is necessary and making a correction simply for correction’s sake.
  • When clients make errors, I do not judge or criticise, but instead help and advise.
  • I love helping people refine and improve their skills. Giving people confidence in their abilities is important to me.
  • I can work alone, be an independent thinker and be self-disciplined.
  • Professional development never stops. Rules, guidelines and methods are constantly changing so it is important to keep up to date with it all!

Current roles:
Freelance proofreader and editor at Proofed.
Website editor and newsletter manager for North Shore Tramping Club.
Volunteer proofreader for Distributed Proofreaders.

Proofreading Qualifications

Proofreading Academy certificate
Certificate Proofreading Academy
Certificate in Specialist Proofreading and Editing
Certificate Learning Cloud